715-822-2767 | Hours: M-F 9am-7pm, Sat 9am-1pm, Sun Closed cupl@cumberlandpl.org

A Carnegie Library ~ Community Inspired

Cumberland TSAP Library Foundation

The Foundations Mission is to bring people, information, and ideas together to enrich lives, build community, promote literacy and lifelong learning in people of all ages. Recognizing the vital importance of reading to open doors and expand horizons, the Foundation strives to support every patron in becoming a lifelong reader.

Foundation Members

Robert Ankarlo, President
Maggie Wickre, Vice President
Thelma Johnson, Treasurer
Tyler Tiegs
Thomas St. Angelo


Support Your Library

Your tax-dedutible donations help provide new library materials, programs, and services. A memorial gift is a unique and lasting way to remember and honor family and friends.